Monday, October 6, 2008


It is amazing what people can do now with advertisements. People of all ages, both male and female open magazines to perfect faces; no moles, freckles or blemishes. Perfect bodies grace the covers. Large breasts, small waists, or muscles and tanned skin are all part of the game we must win. This is what we set our standards to be for ourselves. I have had several opportunities to understand that what we see in magazines are completely unrealistic. These are pictures of me for the Miss Texas pageant 2008. Not one blemish, freckle, or scar. Not real. I have a lot of pictures where I am completely photoshopped. It's just crazy that this is the norm to do to people in pictures. I wonder what the world would be like if we put real people, untouched in magazines. I wonder how it would change our way of thinking.



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