Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Harmful Myth of Asian Superiority

"The Harmful Myth of Asian Superiority" is a very interesting article from Ronald Takaki. I believe that every one has different stereotypes, but I also think that it's impossible for any race not to be resentful of one another, rather it be whites and African-Americans, Asian-Americans and African-Americans, or whites and Asian-Americans. People treat their ethnicity as if it's a competition. I don't imagine anyone, no matter their race, wants to live in poverty or have a job they don't like. There are whites that live in extreme poverty, there are whites who are extremely wealthy. There are African-Americans who are extremely poor, and there are African-American's who are extremely wealthy. There are Asian-Americans who live in the slums, and there are Asian-Americans who live in the richest of places.  Just because there is a part of a race who are living fortunately, how does that give a right for anyone to hate? Does everyone just want the whole world to live in a trash hole to make everyone feel equal? That is ludicrous! Just because someone is less-fortunate, does not give a legitimate excuse to join gangs or hang out in pool halls all day. Sometimes it's a choice. Every race is filled with those who make good choices, and there are some who make bad ones. Not every good person will live extravagantly...but that's life! Life is rough and hard, and pointing fingers at those who are better off than others will do zero good or make any situation less difficult. If the relationship between Asian-Americans and African-Americans are exacerbated due to the celebration of Asian-Americans as a "model minority" perpetuating their inequality, then there are deeper problems to be looked at. 

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